Learning Kata: Heian Nidan


The kata required for the third grading in SKIF is Heian Nidan (the first of five “Peaceful Mind” kata’s). This post contains a JPEG diagram of the kata sequence and a YouTube video of Sensei Kanazawa, 10th Dan, performing the the kata .

02Heian Nidan

Folding Your Gi


Instructional video demonstrating the best way to fold your Gi. There is no sound on the video apart from some rustling, so you may as well mute it!

Karate Kid: Film Finale’s


Some classic Karate Kid finale moments, courtesy of YouTube:

Karate Kid I:

Karate Kid II:

Karate Kid III:

Learning Kata: Heian Shodan


The kata required for the first grading in SKIF is Heian Shodan (the first of five “Peaceful Mind” kata’s). This post contains a JPEG diagram of the kata sequence and a YouTube video of Sensei Kanazawa, 10th Dan, performing the the kata .
