
This blog was originally created to house all of my Ubuntu tips and tricks. Not being a Linux native I often forget commands or procedures when setting up a new system or when trying to do something trivial like repairing and  mounting an NTFS hard drive! As I plan to setup as many systems as posisble I want to have a complete resource for my own use rather than trawl between 20-30 different sites. Any content I rip off will be properly credited and linked to.

ubuntudojoI have also recently started Shotokan Karate under Kanazawa’s SKIF banner. Much the same as my Ubuntu needs,I want to collate good content from other sites and store them in one central location. This will make it easier for me to refer to the multitude of online resources available in a one-stop-shop.

Along with the main two topics on this blog I intend to gather other snippets of information relating to my other main areas of interest: Product Design, Technology and Film/TV. I’m sure other worthless nonsense will also appear on here under the overused Miscellaneous category.

Finally, this site was never created for anyone else other than myself therefore if you don’t enjoy it, don’t feel you need to inform me about it!

– JT

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